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I Ching (Book of Changes) is not only the Great Divination Text Book, but it also presents a wisdom to change the unluckiness to the good fortune. Divination is to know the Changes to be in the future. And in I Ching, the Changes always have 3 faces of (1) Everything is changing. (2) And the changes are very easy and simple to understand. (3) But there is a persistent principle of t..
I Ching (Book of Changes) is not only
the Great Divination Text Book, but
it also presents a wisdom to change
the unluckiness to the good fortune.

Divination is to know the Changes to be in the future.
And in I Ching, the Changes always have 3 faces of
(1) Everything is changing.
(2) And the changes are very easy and simple to understand.
(3) But there is a persistent principle of that it does not change
itself along with the space and the time.

When we want divination for the Fortune,
there needs an important first step, calling the “Casting Hexagram”

In this book a “New Method of Casting Hexagram ”,
is Introduced as
(1) There needed no space and time to do.
(2) The method is very easy and simple to learn.
(3) It has a good equiprobability.
(4) Still, it gives a confidence that this is your own
Hexagram because you did with your own finger.

Divination by I Ching will give a good courages to do something,
and also it will give how to get along with the world.

Kim Jeong-Oh
Born 1946 Seoul Korea, Seoul National University
Presently in Dhongwha Yugyeong Institute
Books :
2010 Fortune Today
2011 365 days Caigentan
100 Aphorisms Caigentan
2012 Golden Aphorisms Caigentan

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